Showing posts with label jabatan COPs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label jabatan COPs. Show all posts

19 Nov 2014

Perut Gembira Hati Gundah Gulana

Assalamualaikum and hai. Benda yg paling saya takuti is when i need to attend conference/seminar/colloqium/meeting/vetting/dating errk! Dating with hubs ;). Why? It is due to almost people including me (nak x nak) keep eating and eating. Tak makan bazir pulak. Eh.. Alasan ke tu?!

Thats why i say " perut gembira hati gundah gulana". After ate all the foods served, mula la fikir the cholesterol, calories intake per day.. gain weight on and on.. Ahh.. Sudah :'(.

Kita sering lupa( including me) peringatan "makan sebelum lapar.. Bhenti sblm kenyang." Kena wasatiyah dlm apa jua perihal hidup. 

P/s: roti lebah atas tu mmg sgt sedap! Terima kasih kepada penderma roti :). Oh.. I makan seketul kecik shj. Sb i need to control my weight and appetite. 

28 Aug 2014


Assalamualaikum... Today we hav mkn-mkn peringkat department sempena celebrate raya kengkononnya. Kelakar pun ada due to jamuan sempena raya aidilfiti buat time bulan zulkaedah. Hehehehe... Masa syawal, semua x free... Eventhough today, still x dpt penuhkan ahli korum sb ada yg EL, bizi with urusan yg lebih aula'...

Makan2 at sahara tent. MashaAllah! The food is so heaven! 

If u wanna try foods at sahara tent, make sure empty ur stomach first bcoz the food portion is huge. 

Conclusion: the foods so sedap! Lagi sedap sb org sponsor. Hehehehee sponsored by prof M.U. Tq byk2. Moga murah rezeki sb bagi makan kat colleagues yg ceria riang belaka. xoxo.