Assalamualaikum and hai. Benda yg paling saya takuti is when i need to attend conference/seminar/colloqium/meeting/vetting/dating errk! Dating with hubs ;). Why? It is due to almost people including me (nak x nak) keep eating and eating. Tak makan bazir pulak. Eh.. Alasan ke tu?!
Thats why i say " perut gembira hati gundah gulana". After ate all the foods served, mula la fikir the cholesterol, calories intake per day.. gain weight on and on.. Ahh.. Sudah :'(.
Kita sering lupa( including me) peringatan "makan sebelum lapar.. Bhenti sblm kenyang." Kena wasatiyah dlm apa jua perihal hidup.
P/s: roti lebah atas tu mmg sgt sedap! Terima kasih kepada penderma roti :). Oh.. I makan seketul kecik shj. Sb i need to control my weight and appetite.